Tuesday, October 11, 2011

innocent bystanders - achtung!

as a husband, father, friend, pastor and every other hat I wear - the people around me become the innocent bystanders as I frantically meander this life

all these internal struggles and ideological wrestling matches become spectacle for these poor people

as God breaks my heart (in the best way) over something, I can't help but share

as I'm challenged in an area, I must say something

(un)fortunately, this happens often

lately, I have been challenged on what it means to 'be' the church - the body of Jesus

as opposed to what it means to 'do' church

I have no definitive answers yet - though I have some inclings


I write this more as a heads-up and an apology - you will be subjected to the ramblings of a man in search (sometimes finding)


I am also choosing not to write about Mark Driscoll

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