Friday, September 24, 2010

decidely moderate

I've noticed that when I'm with my 'righty' friends (and I use that term in all kindness) I tend to gravitate to a more left approach

I've subsequently noticed that when I'm with my 'lefty' friends (and I use that term in all sarcasm - haha) I tend to gravitate to a more right approach

now, before you charge me with flippantly changing my stance let me say...

I'm decidely moderate

and this is a dangerous thing for me to say, for I run the risk of losing the respect of both the lefties and the righties in so doing

but I see the severity at either end of the spectrum as more dangerous

there are things in this life that aren't quite as cut and dry as people would like to make them out to be

you may think that I'm just noncomittal

but I would submit that I'm very commited to listening (to both sides or more) and attempting to make a decision from there

I prefer that to just going along with whatever the 'groups' are saying

...or maybe I'm just moderately undecided?


Ryan said...

There was a time I believe you mentioned to me that my stance as a "moderate" was the easy stance. Wasn't Jesus a moderate? I say that in all seriousness. Try and place him on a spectrum.

If Christians try and be Christ like aren't we "of the world" when we make our moral voting judgments based on a man made system.

Being on the right is no more "Christian" than being on the left.

I'm not disagreeing with you, I'm more just speaking at you. With love of course.

- Love,


Tony Tanti said...

Couldn't agree more Tyson, I figure that if both extremes are annoyed with you you're doing something right. It's the curse of having moderate opinions, both sides don't like you.

To me there's a lot of grey in the world where I used to think there was black and white and the only people I know who still see the world in black and white are people who haven't sincerely considered alternate opinions to their own.

Ryan: I don't get this statement - "If Christians try and be Christ like aren't we "of the world" when we make our moral voting judgments based on a man made system."

A man made system is what we have, where else can we make our voting judgments? Are you saying that anyone who picks a side in politics is "of the world"? If so, I couldn't disagree more.

I do agree that being on the right is no more Christian than being on the left. Everyone has different priorities in voting.

I'm not sure Tyson was talking about politics here though, were you?

aarondgerrard said...

I'm just disapointed that the previous two commentors used the term "man made." :-)

Tyson said...

I was referring more to mind-sets as opposed to solely politics.