is oration dead?
maybe I'll back up a step - oration is, simply a public speech.
so, are public speeches dead?
I've heard it said that "with these new generations coming up with little to no attention span, the use of public speaking over 5 minutes in length will cease."
thoughts, new generations? are you really, as generations as ADD/ADHD as you are treated or pandered to?
or is oration just a dead or dying means of communication?
as much as I enjoy communication through more technological means, I still hold a special place in my heart for someone who is able to grasp the imagination and attention of an audience publicly.
the modulation, the inflection....the pause....the body language, the facial expression, the moment.
teachers, politicians, preachers, activists, among others know the importance of oration, the ability to inspire - but are they just fighting a losing battle?
As much as I like you to believe that public speaking will never die, one must grasp where our technology is going. Just like this - I'm not picking up the phone to tell you it or see you in person. Everything has to be to the point and as you said under 5 minutes. It's sad, but true, we're not helping matters any and by the future technology coming our way - we're not holding on well. Jane, get me off this crazy thing, called 'Life'!
(The older generation)
I could listen to someone for hours speak. I don't really know how to say this any other way and it doesn't further our generations plight, but it needs to be worth listening to.
I feel like communication in verbal form for our generation is dying because most people that I see speak from our generation aren't speaking from their passion or belief anymore, but from the middleground. Listening to someone talk just to talk doesn't really make me want to listen, but somebody passionate about what they are speaking about can, and will continue to hold the attention span of those they are trying to reach or those that are listening in attendance.
The lecture part of teaching is a dying art as is the students' ability to sit and listen. Most things are now meant to be taught by activity, experience, etc. and the students' eyes just glaze over when there's a lecture, especially if it's not accompanied by a Powerpoint/Smartboard presentation. I wonder how these kids are going to do in a university lecture or staff meeting.
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