just digging into the furious longing of God, by brennan manning.
...and if you could join me, sipping iced americanos, listening to Bon Iver, oh the conversations we would have...
enjoy a couple excerpts:
"the shattering truth of the transcendent God seeking intimacy with us is not well served by gauzy sentimentality, schmaltz, or a naked appeal to emotion, but rather in the boiling bouillabaisse of shock bordering on disbelief, wonder akin to incredulity, and affectionate awe tinged with doubt."
"the seldom-stated truth is that many of us have a longing for God and an aversion to God. Some of us seek Him and flee Him at the same time."
I resonate with manning on a disarmingly honest level.
maybe you as well.
"the seldom-stated truth is that many of us have a longing for God and an aversion to God. Some of us seek Him and flee Him at the same time."
This quote will likely end up on my blog at some point in the near future.
Also: I'd love to know how, as a Christian minister, you reconcile this God of love with the God of the Bible.
I'd like to read a book while sipping an iced americano. lets make it happen captain!
Also, the God of LOVE is the God of the Bible. It says it plain as day in 1 John 4:10-19. So if this God is different than the God you are talking about then I must be out in left field or I must be in a world of trouble with my faith. or we could go with the God of the Old Testament, but the question was for Tyson and not me, so i will leave some of the questions for Tyson!! Much Love!
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