Friday, August 28, 2009


there are echoes.
echoes of what once was and what should have been.
I hear it in their voices, I see it in their eyes.
things were different, things were better.
do you hear it too?
we are all alone. separated. fragmented.
but there are echoes of what once was and what should have been.
this loneliness is indicative of these echoes.
maybe you hear it too.
I'm not content with just living in the echoes. I'm not content with living a fragmented life.
listen to the echoes, they may be deep within, supressed through years of numbness.
let us again become who we were meant to be - together.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


it's not always the worst case scenario
- truly
there are those who'd like to convince you otherwise.

it's not always the best case scenario
- truly
and there are those who'd like to convince you otherwise.

there are highs and lows - but most often it's in the mundane that life is lived.
- it's in that routine we find ourselves.

- is there life in your mundane?
- is there life in your routine?

Friday, August 14, 2009

tips for living

when you stub your toe - blame God
when you lose your job - blame God
when your girlfriend breaks up with you - blame God
when you're all alone - blame God
when your best friend gets raped - blame God
when your grandma dies - blame God
when millions are starving - blame God
when it rains on the day you were planning on camping - blame God
when your sports team loses - blame God
when countless contract aids - blame God
when the parking lot is full - blame God
when you hate yourself - blame God
when you fail that test - blame God
when you're hungover - blame God
when there's war - blame God


when you don't stub your toe - praise yourself
when you get a job - praise yourself
when you get a girlfriend - praise yourself
when you're surrounded by friends - praise yourself
when you're best friend does not get raped - praise yourself
when you're grandma's alive - praise yourself
when millions have food - praise yourself
when it's sunny on the day you were planning on camping - praise yourself
when your sports team wins - praise yourself
when countless have not contracted aids - praise yourself
when the parking lot is empty - praise yourself
when you're content with yourself - praise yourself
when you pass that test - praise yourself
when you're sober - praise yourself
when there's peace - praise yourself

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

blog ideas?

As I sat with my laptop one night, reading a friend's blog with a black background and white text, I found when I looked away my retinas were burning and there were lines floating in the air around me. "This is not conducive to enjoyable blog reading" - I thought to myself, crying a small tear of blurred vision.

This led me to change the background colour and text on this delightful blog which you are currently reading. I hope you can appreciate the change.

With that in mind - I'm looking for suggestions, ideas, concepts, etc to improve Ineloquent Anthem. I would be honoured if you were to take the time to offer anything you might have. If someone savvy enough would even be willing to develop a template for me - that'd be swell.

I also enjoy reading other blogs and am looking for suggestions in that realm as well. What are you reading that you would suggest?

Thanks muchly for your readership - I look forward to continuing this journey with you.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

everything is not as it seems

you may think it is - but it's not.


not that it's better or worse per se - just different.

there are many things hidden. many things strange. many things secret.

your view is but one. limited. subjective. skewed.

humbling, no?

sometimes I even think the sky is blue.

are you so confident that what you know is true? could it be possible that there are things beyond your realm of comprehension?

when were you last dumbfounded? why has it been so long?

why have you become so numb?

embrace your pain. own it.

sometimes I even think the sky is blue.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

you're boring

I'm in a strange mood (might be the v-neck)...

having just returned from speaking at camp for the week, my outlook seems different. not earth-shattering epiphane-type stuff. just a tweak here and a tweak there.

Christians overall are pretty boring. but not for the reasons you might initially think. not because of legalism. not because of morals (well, maybe a weird misinterpretation). but because they're just plain boring.

where's the life? where's the love? where's the flavour?

the Jesus I know had life, had love and had flavour. having just walked through the sermon on the mount, something that comes to mind is Jesus' call for his followers to be salt.

yaddi, yadda - old news for you?

salt brings flava (flavour)

you follow Jesus? stop being so boring. live a full life. live a life full of love. and at least try to have a little flavour and add a little to this world while you're at it.